Father's day Deal

Monday, June 6, 2011

6 Ways to Get, And Keep, a Woman's Attention


Hey guys, here are some "hot-off-the-press" pieces of dating advice that you should all check out. If you want to keep a girl's attention, you need to be witty.
How do you achieve that? It's simple.
Be a Jokester. Women love to be entertained and they love a man who makes them laugh. It's simple, yet many guys overlook this. Keep the conversation light, and keep your lady smilin'. Don't be overly sarcastic, but crack jokes here and there, to keep the good times rollin'.
Use what she says. When she says something, play on that, to say something else comedic or witty. This will make you appear less stiff, less self-centered, and really a cool guy to hang around.
Make her friends laugh. Path to a man's heart is through his stomach, often for a woman's heart it is through her friends. There is nothing better than knowing that her friends are super envious of the cool guy you are. If you're able to entertain not just her and yourself, but the whole table, you'll be even more of a hot commodity. Like everything else though, don't try too hard, just do what you can.
Surprise her once in a while. It doesn't have to be a huge thing. All you need to do is plan an extra stop on the way home. Or on the way back from an event or a date, say you would like to show her something and take her to a park to watch the stars. It could be the beautiful starry night, the ocean waves, the city lights, some hidden hiking path, a waterfall, a hidden cafe, etc.
Bring her a small gift once in a while. If she has dogs, bring her something for her dog. Or a flower, or cookies. Women like all these tokens of attention. It proves to them that you care, that you are paying attention and that you are a creative guy.
And last, but certainly not least... LISTEN. Women sometimes will drop clues and a guy who can pick up on that will score very high. So, if you know she wants something or needs help in anything, propose it yourself or go get it. She'll love you for that.
All these tips are very simple, but you need to be determined to do it. Build it in your character, in who you are. It will improve your charisma; it will make you stand out. Women will fall for you really quickly. Don't abuse this and only use it for the right reasons. Have fun!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6321835

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