Father's day Deal

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Writing Online Dating Emails

When it comes down to it nobody in the world likes to write online dating emails. Most of us graduated high school or college years ago. Our days of feeling like we have a homework assignment to write should be over.

And let's face it, writing online dating emails sure does feel like it is homework most of the time. For those of us that are still actually in college, writing these emails is probably even more annoying, distracting us from the work that we should be completed and the homework assignments we should be writing.

When it comes down to it, there are enough chores and busy events going on in most of our lives. We all have better things to do than to sit in front of the computer for hours on end trying to create a response.

Yet, for most of us, when we don't sit for hours on end trying to find the perfect words for our emails we often find that our success rate with receiving a response can be very low. This is not good either.

So where is the balance?

The truth is that writing emails should never take you more than 2 to 5 minutes per email. If you are taking anything longer than that you are one of two things:

a) You are probably over-thinking things. Over-thinking what you write in your emails will not only cause you to spend way too much time in front of the computer screen, but you will also accidentally write emails that seem fake and disingenuous. Women can sense a mile away when a man is trying to hard. This comes off as clingy, needy, and desperate, and will result in instant rejection.

b) You are most likely unfamiliar with how to be successful at online dating. Online dating is a unique medium that requires a separate set of skills, ideas, and techniques to be successful.

So how do we learn the skills that we need to succeed? The main idea behind being successful is to first learn the laws of creating attraction. Creating attraction in females requires a specific set of things to be done. Once you learn what these rules are, you can adapt them specifically to online dating by incorporating the laws of attraction into the emails you write, the profiles you put up, and the pictures you create.

It is all about creating attraction, which starts with the online dating email!

Reference by : James_Pompey

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